WALL OF TEXT: UFOs. When I was a kid, we watched UFO specials. This was before History Channel made them its thing. The biggest appeal of such shows was the mystery. Whatever could this be? There’s no way to tell because we can’t get a more detailed look, but what if????? Today, cell phones have multi-megapixel cameras and video recorders, and yet nobody has managed to take any video of UFOs that is not grainy or far away. Half the planet has a recording device and camera in their pocket, and yet no definitive videos or photos of alien spacecraft. If aliens were real, we should have caught them on camera by now. No ambiguity. No interpretation. No excuses. I think this is largely why I have stopped watching such shows. There is no mystery anymore. No question. We know it’s all bullshit. When knowledge replaces mystery, there is no TV series, or movie, or even religion. Entertainment itself feeds off ignorance, so if you’re wondering why that TV show you liked way back when no longer holds up, it’s because you are smarter than that now. What would happen if we truly were informed? Would entertainment even exist?




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