WALL OF TEXT: AMBITION. I have no ambition to climb ladders. My goal is to reduce my expenses to the point I can get by on as little work as possible. I would gladly take a part time job at a local café if it paid the bills, but health insurance alone keeps me shackled to a corporate job. Increasingly, corporate jobs are the only ones that provide a basic living, further entrenching their dominance over culture. This is not the country my parents raised me to live in. Fuck, I want to quit and enjoy being alive. The homeless people on the bus remind me what will happen if I ever stop working. I know too many people who have worked hard all their lives and have nothing to show for it, so why bother? I do not want to work harder. The higher one climbs, the more hours one is expected to put in, and for what? More money to fill a house with things one does not need. I do not desire things. I want to enjoy being alive, which requires working less.


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